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Project done. Excellent service. Lowest price. Best water! .... Simply divine.
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Building and Construction Applications
Front, rear, and side sprayers apply water to the ground for grading and compaction, embankment fills, and all site preparation needs
Central inlets and outlets supply water for irrigation, cooling, diluting and mixing, wash stations, external equipment, and erosion control.
Fifty foot-long hose for jetting and suctioning and 2000 gallon tank allows filling and draining pools, ponds, and manmade lakes.
For construction and development projects:
Water Truck Rental With Operator Services and Features
Serving Washoe, Lyon, Churchill, Douglas, Clark, Carson City, Elko, Eureka, Humboldt, Lander, Lyon, Mineral, Pershing, Storey, White Pine, and Nye County, Northern Nevada and surrounding areas.
phone: 775 357 3731
email: info@divinewatertrucksz.com
24 hours a day/ 7days a week
Evenings by Appointment
Rear spray bar for misting applications and applying liquid soil stabilizers
Provide back up and secondary source in firefighting and forestry applications
Built-in compliance controls and support measures